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Workshop for Preschool Tibetan Teachers

47575966 1927767933943293 2459249130673799168 oLha Charitable Trust organised a three-day workshop, “Basic Education Policy for Tibetan in Exile and Secular Ethics”, for 29 pre-school Tibetan teachers from 7th to 9th December 2018. The workshop was funded by the Tibet Fund, USA and it was held at Lha Ahimsa Hall. Workshop participants were from different Tibetan schools in and around Dharamshala: seven teachers from Tibetan Children’s Village School – of which five were from Osel-Ling School, Nepal; three from Youngling School; 15 from MewoenTsuglag Petoen School;one from Central School for Tibetans (CST) Ponta;two teachers from CST Deckyiling and one from CST Purwala.
48041601 1921990014521920 8689308783630876672 oOn the first day of the workshop, His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche spoke on the importance and benefits of the Basic Education Policy for Tibetans in Exile, and on the roles and responsibilities of pre-school teachers. Speaker of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Mr. Pema Jungney la, spoke about the development and implementation of the policy and Ms. Sonam Gangsang from the Education Department of the Central Tibetan Administration spoke on the importance of reading from an early age and how to encourage the reading habit at an early age.
47688176 1920489854671936 5295556652898975744 oThe second day of the workshop was led by trainers from the Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution, Ms. Sonam Dechen la and Ms. Tenzin Yangkyi la. They focused on the four main aims of the Basic Education Policy for Tibetans in Exile and their session was filled with activities and fun games to be implemented in the participating teachers’ daily classes. The third speaker was Ms. Tenzin Dekyi la from Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration. She focused on the importance of freedom for children, especially to let them play in an unstructured environment.
47579789 1919230841464504 1107549916768501760 oThe third day of the workshop started with GesheLhakdo la, Director of the Library of Tibetan Work and Archive. Geshe la spoke on Secular Ethics and how to cultivate compassion from a young age. Following Geshe la were two speakers, Mr. Tenzin Dorjee la from the Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration and Ms. Tenzin Choedon la, Principal of MewoenTsuglag Petoen School. They covered topics including the benefits and outcome of the Basic Education Policy for Tibetan in Exile and how our traditional education system can go hand in hand with the modern education system.
48329458 1921988961188692 1068156871866580992 oThe workshop concluded with a feedback session and a thank you note from Lha’s director Dorji Kyi. Teachers were awarded a participation certificate and a photo of the participants with His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche.

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