Louisiana 1

Visiting Group of Professional Medical Practitioners

Louisiana 1Lha hosted a group of professional medical practitioners and health care providers from New Orleans, Louisiana as part of Lha’s Cutural Exchange Program in this month.

The group came to Dharamshala to learn more about culture and tradition of exile Tibetan community. During their stay, they attended a special talk by Professor Samdhong Rinpoche on the topic “Buddhist view of dying, process of dying and post death experience.”

Louisiana 2They had an interactive session with Dr Tsetan Dorji Shadutshang, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Tenzin Desel, Medical Officer and Mr Dawa Phunkyi, Chief Administrator of Delek Hospital about medicines in general and to organise conferences with them in future.

They also visited Tibetan Medical and Astro.Institute which practices the ancient Tibetan system of medicine, astronomy and astrology.

Louisiana 3The group is led by Jamey Boudreaux, MSW, MDiv. Executive Director Louisiana – Mississippi Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and professor at Tulane University School of social work. The group consists of Dr. Robert Hart, MD, FAAP, FACP, Regional Medical Director, Ochsner Medical Center, Dr. Christopher Blais from Chairman, Department of Infectious Diseases at Ochsner Medical Center, Dr. Sunsan Nelson, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System New Orleans Louisiana, USA and other nurses and health care providers.

Lha would like to thank all the group members for their participation in our program. Our sincere gratitude to the group leader Jamey Boudreux for his support and we look forward to have a long term association.

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