tibet fund

The Tibet Fund Supports the Lha Soup Kitchen

tibet fundLha Charitable Trust would like to acknowledge and thank the Tibet Fund for the sponsorship they have provided for the Lha soup kitchen.

Their support will enable us to run the Soup Kitchen for another three months, providing nutritious meal for around 50-60 Tibetans every day – people who would otherwise be unable to have access to a healthy diet and sufficient food, and who find it difficult to cater for themselves in India as it is, to them, a new and strange country.

For the period February 1 to June 30 this year, 43 new people have attended the soup kitchen, making a total of 320 people who have benefitted from this service to date.

800x400-Lhas Soup KitchenOn behalf of all the soup kitchen beneficiaries and staff, Lha would like to thank The Tibet Fund for their generous support for our projects. The support we receive from all our generous donors and volunteers inspires and enables us to be more determined than ever to serve our community.

The Tibet Fund is an American charity whose mission is to preserve the distinct cultural and national identity of the Tibetan people, and to promote self-reliance and help sustain the cohesiveness of the exile community.

The Tibet Fund provides funding for health care, education, refugee rehabilitation, religious and cultural preservation, care for elderly people and community and economic development programmes serving more than 140,000 Tibetan refugees living in India, Nepal and Bhutan.