mass clean up

Monthly Mass Cleanup

mass clean upLha Charitable Trust organised our monthly mass cleanup on September 15, as usual on the third Saturday of the month. This month’s cleanup went from Mcleod main square to Tushita road, leading to the illegal dumpsite up there in the middle of the forest. Our students, volunteers and a few environment-conscious people living here in Mcleod joined us for the event.

41952287 1817907961596793 7224763745019363328 oThis illegal dumpsite had layers and layers of garbage piled up but everyone gathered had so much energy and zest and made sure the area was cleaned – without caring about how much it was stinking or whether their clothes got dirty in the process. We filled around twenty sacks with garbage. Lha is highly grateful to those who helped and to those people who realise that it’s the responsibility of each and every individual to keep Mother Earth clean and green.

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The monthly mass cleanup is organised with the hope of encouraging people to be mindful of our surroundings and environment. A love of nature and the environment goes hand in hand with a love for mankind: our existence depends on nature.42121327 1817908278263428 6634186659279667200 o So, this is a request for everyone out there to please to stop littering and be mindful of your daily activities: think about whether or not your actions are affecting or destroying the environment!41962008 1817908501596739 2622113281220804608 o