Message from the Tibet Relief Fund

Message from the Tibet Relief Fund

Message from the Tibet Relief FundTIBET RELIEF FUND

2 Baltic Place
287 Kingsland Road
London N1 5AQ

020 3119 0041
[email protected]

Mr Nawang Rabgyal
Lha Charitable Trust
Temple Road
Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala, 176219
Distt. Kangra, H.P. India

17 October, 2017

Dear Mr Ngawang Rabgyal,

Tibet Relief Fund takes great pleasure in sending our congratulations to Lha for all the wonderful and effective work it has undertaken within the Tibetan community over the last 20 years!

Tibet Relief Fund has worked with Lha since 2009. During which time we have supported projects to install and repair water filters, run an eye clinic and offer prescription glasses and provide office equipment.

Lha are a professional, forward-thinking organisation that works to help the Tibetan community where there is real need. The language and vocational training classes they offer to the local community are valuable for both Tibetans and volunteers alike and are a great way for local Tibetans and travellers to benefit from each other’s knowledge.

The social work and health projects Lha offer, such as the provision of water filters and the daily soup kitchen are well run, efficient and address fundamental problems faced by the local community.

We very much look forward to continuing to work with them over the next 20 years!


Philippa Carrick
CEO, Tibet Relief Fund


Patron: Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama           Chairman: Philip Wilson CEO: Philippa Carrick

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