Messag from the Department of Home CTA

Message from the Department of Home CTA

Messag from the Department of Home CTADEPARTMENT OF HOME
Central Tibetan Administration

92/Home/2017-2018/Admin/ (4478)

I am happy to learn that Lha Charitable Trust is bringing out an anniversary report to commemorate its 20th anniversary. I would like to congratulate the founders, the office bearers and the supporters of Lha Charitable Trust on this important milestone in its quest in service of poor and destitute in the community.

Over the last 20 years of its existence, it has served the Tibetan community in exile, local Indian population and people from the nearby Himalayan regions in various fields through projects such as preservation of Tibetan language and culture, international language tutoring classes, health and environmental education, providing clean drinking water, free medical camps, cultural exchange program etc. Besides it has also supported several Tibetan settlements and Jampaling Tibetan Old People’s Home, Dharamshala in many ways.

While commenting Lha Charitable Trust for its charitable services extended to the Tibetans and the locals alike over all these years, I would urge the office bearers to continue the its noble task with renewed vigor and dedication.

Last but not the least, I wish sponsors and office bearers of Lha Charitable Trust all the best and Tashi Delek.

With Best Wishes,


Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang
Deparment of Home, CTA
25 Sept, 2017

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