Messag from Loyala University New Orleans USA

Message from Loyola University New Orleans, USA

Messag from Loyala University New Orleans USALOYOLA UNIVERSITY

October 16, 2017

Ngawang Rabgyal
Director, Lha Charitable Trust
Temple Road, Mcloed Ganj,
Dharamsala – 176219
Distt.Kangra, H.P. India

Dear Ngawang la,

The Loyola University India Summer Study Program congratulates the Lha Charitable Trust for its twenty years of dedicated social and educational work on behalf of the Tibetan community. We recognize Lha for its invaluable contributions to the preservation of Tibetan culture and language and to promoting the welfare of the Tibetan people. We are inspired by the exemplary work of Lha and look to it as a model for wise and compassionate work for the good of others. We are honored to have had the privilege of working with such an extraordinary organization for so many years.

Over the twelve years since our initial discussions of the India summer program, we have benefited enormously from our association with Lha. It has had a deep transformative effect on many of our students and faculty. As the result of their interaction with Lha, many of our students have been inspired to dedicate their efforts to the service of others globally, and some have volunteered here in support of Lha and its work. Overwhelmingly, our students have grown as mindful and caring persons as the result of their experiences with Lha, and for this we are deeply grateful.

We wish Lha the greatest possible success in its future work. We look forward to continuing collaboration on behalf of our mutual goals of wisdom and compassion.

Marcus Kondkar                               Ph.D. John Clark Ph.D
Associate Professor and Chair        Professor Emeritus
Department of Sociology                 Department of Philosophy
Loyola University                             Loyola University
6363 St. Charles Ave.                     6363 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70118                  New Orleans, LA 70118

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