Messag from His Holiness

Message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Messag from His HolinessI am pleased to know that LHA CHARITABLE TRUST- Institute of for Social Work & Education- is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

When we first came as refugees in India 1959, as the Tibetan saying goes, “our only acquaintances were the ground below and the sky above. ‘ For some decades thereafter the Tibetan community was dependent on generous individuals, organizations and government for our socio- economic development as well as education for our younger generation.

Subsequently, we started seeing a positive change with some section of the now empowered Tibetan Refugee community taking the lead in rendering much-needed social services for the development of our community. Lha has been playing a leading role in this movement and is complementing the efforts of the Tibetan Leadership. Today, it has become one of the important NGOs serving the Tibetan community, both young and old.

The organization is well conceived and its programs well implemented. Its multi-faceted programs aim at preserving and promotion of Tibetan language, cultural heritage, provision of educational resources to the community. Furthermore, through its cultural exchange programs, websites and social media presence, and volunteering opportunities to people from different parts of the world, it enables them to provide concrete help while also spreading awareness about the Tibetan people and our situation.

The success of this Charitable Trust is an account of the dedicated efforts of its founders and staff members as well as of the contribution of generous supports and thousands of volunteers from many countries. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone involved.

October 9, 2017