
Lha’s Clothing Distribution Project

On January 8, 2014 Lha delivered items of clothing through Dharamshala Rotary Club to Red Cross Society of Kangra District. The clothing was donated during 2013 by various members of the public including volunteers and tourists. The donation was received by Red Cross Secretary O.P. Sharma on behalf of Red Cross Society. Dharamshala Rotary Club President, General Secretary and other Rotary members also attended this event.

The more than 1000 articles of clothing will be distributed by the Red Cross to the needy, especially to the slums in lower Dharamshala and local villages. Lha is also planning a distribution of clothing to the necessitous people in the Tibetan community.

Since 2003 more than 30,779 articles of clothing have been collected and distributed through the donation centre at Lha, including clothing received by a group of 17 students on a Cultural Exchange programme from Lycee de Vincendo High School in the Reunion islands who arrived in McLeod Ganj in October 2013, each carrying a small bag of clothing to be distributed to the needy.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has donated clothing to Lha and a special thanks to the French student exchange group from Reunion France and Australia Tibet Council ATC group who have supported us through the years.