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Lha’s Monthly Clean-up

By Kaur Praneet

Lha’s monthly mass clean up was held this month on June 17. The clean up volunteers, who included Lha staff, local monks, nuns and laypeople as well

19238066 1348478341873093 1037943600923061289 oas visitors from many different countries, gathered in the main square in McLeod Ganj to start the day. The event began with a public announcement by Lha’s Lobsang Tsering who encouraged

everyone to participate and spoke of the importance of environment, saying that it is everyone’s responsibility to look after it and not that of the government alone. Gloves and garbage bags were distributed amongst the volunteers who set off along Temple Road and carried on down the road to the start of the Kora circumambulation path around His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence and temple.

Along the way, Losang Tsering spoke to shopkeepers, encouraging them to not dispose of garbage on the road side. Brochures in English, Tibetan and Hindi were distributed to shopkeepers and the public explaining the little steps everyone can take to conserve the environment.The garbage collected from along the road and the nearby hill side was collected and brought to Ahimsa house, Lha’s hostel and community soup kitchen, where it was collected and removed by truck.

The whole event was exclusively covered by the Tibet Times, one of the most read Tibetan medium newspapers. Two of their staff members joined the volunteers throughout the clean-up, filming and interviewing them and broadcasting the event on social media. Lha is delighted to work with the Tibet Times and to foster good relations in our community in this way. One of the Tibet Times representatives is an old Lha staff member.

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The volunteers met at the soup kitchen where everyone enjoyed a healthy and nutritious lunch! 

Lha conducts a mass clean up on the third Saturday of each month and everyone is welcome to participate and support this community effort.

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