
Lha’s first cultural exchange program 2014

Lhas first exchange group of  2014 1Lha’s first cultural exchange program this year came to a successful conclusion on May 27. The student group, from Centenary College, Louisiana, USA, consisted of 10 students lead by Professor David Otto and Michael Smith.

During the three week program, the students were introduced and paired with Lha’s students where they engaged in a mutual learning program. The Centenary group received lectures from former Tibetan political prisoners and others.

Lhas first exchange group of  2014 2They visited the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) complex and the Tibetan library at Gangkyi and learnt about the structure and functioning of the different departments of the CTA. The group went sightseeing in Dharamshala.

They also visited Bir Tibetan settlement, Tsopema and Mandi. On 27th May, we organized a farewell dinner for the student group, along with their mutual learning partners in making their last day a memorable one.

Lhas first exchange group of  2014 3As a token of gratitude, we offer each of them a white scarf and small present on behalf of Lha. Lha, it’s staff members and students would like to extend their sincere thanks to all the exchange students from Centenary College for taking part in this program.