Clean Water at CTA

Lha’s ‪ Clean‬ Water Project at CTA

Clean Water at  CTAOn the 21st August 2015, Lha Charitable Trust installed its 21st ‪water‬ filtration system as a part of the Clean Water Project at the staff dining hall of the ‪Central‬ Tibetan Administration (CTA), as a token of our gratitude and to improve the ‪‎health‬ of the authorities and the staff.

Clean Water at  CTA 1

The water filtration system, installed at the general staff dining hall of CTA, is a reverse osmosis system which has 90 liter capacity for hot and cold drinking water. This system is considered as one of the best water purifier with reliable provision of safe drinking water.

Clean Water at  CTA 2After the successful installation of the water filtration system, Lha officially presented it to the minister of financial department, Mr Tsering Dhondup and Secretary Mr.Thinley Gyatso.

We believe that this will contribute to maintaining a high level of general health among the 300 staff members of the CTA.

So far around 10,950 people have benefited from the ‪Lha‬ Clean Water Project and we will be installing more such systems in the future.