
Lha organized a creativity workshop at Petoen school

On Wednesday, June 12, Lha organized a creativity workshop at Gangkyi Petoen Day School taught by Lha’s student exchange group from Tulane University in New Orleans, USA. More than 100 students, ranging from 1st to 5th grade, participated.

All of the art supplies were generously donated by Ms. Kate Neuschaefer of based in Colorado, USA. We are very grateful for her contribution and her support of Lha. We used about half of the kits that she donated and plan to use the remaining kits in future projects at the school. We will get even more students, including those at the boarding school and many other Tibetan refugee schools in India, involved in the next project.

All of the students and teachers were very excited, as this is a rare opportunity due to a general lack of supplies. Students can enjoy creative workshops like this.

Both the local and the exchange students very much enjoyed the workshop. We would love to continue organizing similar workshops, as we have seen the impact they have on the local students and as we have several university groups joining us at Lha for programs in the future.


Gangkyi Petoen Day School was established by the CTA’s Department of Education as a model school for the implementation of the Basic Education Policy (BEP) for Tibetans in exile. The school aims to follow and practice the policy not only to fulfill teaching-learning purposes but also to provide a holistic education for the children. Petoen School puts a lot of emphasis on imparting the value of education and tradition. As stated in the BEP, teaching-learning up to Class III is done only in the mother tongue i.e. the Tibetan language. Teaching-learning of second language starts when a child is in Class IV.

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