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Free Clothing Distribution

37657512 1733499526704304 198831228885925888 oLha organised a free clothing distribution at Ahimsa House on July 21. More than 250 people came to collect clothes, shoes, bags, shawls, etc. There were about 5,000 clothing items – mostly summer clothes for men, women and children.

37639512 1733499000037690 4330837913668419584 oLha collects clothing donations from tourists, student exchange groups and visitors to Dharamshala and working with the Dharamshala Rotary Club, distributes them to people living in slum areas in lower Dharamshal. However once a year we also do a distribution in McLeod Ganj for needy local Tibetans and Indians. We would like to sincerely thank every individual who37674702 1733499070037683 6610997228905431040 odonated these clothes for someone in need, they are much appreciaed.
We believe that clothes and any useable items one might not need or use anymore can be useful to someone else. We believe in a sustainable neighbourhood. Please feel free to drop your used or new clothing that you no longer need in at the Lha office.37580911 1733497946704462 4549885463422304256 o

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