1Award with Rabsel

Environmental Care Award for Lha

Lha was awarded the first Environmental Care Award by the Tibetan Settlement Office (TSO) for Dharamshala at their inaugural local leaders meeting on November. 25.

TSO Awards were presented to various organisations to honour outstanding service for the Tibetan community, dedication to the Tibetan cause and for social services.

1Award with Rabsel

The awards were presented by the chief guest at the event, Kalon Ngodup Tsering, the Education Minister for the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, representing Sikyong Lobsang Sangay who was in North America.

The Indo-Tibetan Friendship Associa-tion and Himalaya Parivar, Men-Tsee Khang, Delek Hospital, Tibet Charity and Dr Yeshi Donden were all honoured for their community service alongside Lha and Clean Upper Dharamshala.

Lha’s Deputy Director Mr. Lobsang Rabsel attended the meeting and received the award on behalf of Lha Charitable Trust. The Settlement Officer said the award was presented for Lha’s environmental days of action and mass cleanups, and to acknowledge that Lha staff, students and volunteers provide a committed workforce for these activities.

Lha also has bilingual Environmental website called www.tibetnature.net

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