62421572 2194643703923215 3314741280994492416 o copy

World Environment Day:Tibetan Animal Drawing Competition

62421572 2194643703923215 3314741280994492416 o copyLha observed World Environment Day with a Tibetan Animals drawing competition at three different Tibetan schools (Upper TCV, Lower TCV, and Petoen School).

62343206 2194643277256591 844680837168365568 n copy112 students took part. The top 10 students were given awards of INR 3,000 (US$43 / £35) each as a token of appreciation and their paintings have been uploaded onto Lha’s official Facebook page.   

62070364 2194643290589923 4006609148866199552 n copyThe competition was sponsored by Michael Buckley who is an environmentalist and the author of Meltdown in Tibet.   In addition to the drawing competition,

64220720 2203653623022223 8044049166415953920 n copyLha organised a special mass cleanup where we were joined by volunteers, students and Lha staff, all working together to collect trash from the TCV road end of Mcleod Ganj.

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