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Cultural exchange program for 2018

29386467 1594246347296290 6524193697880342528 oThe first group to visit Dharamshala under Lha’s Cultural Exchange Programme this year was a student group from Craig Kielburger Secondary School, Canada who came to us through Gapforce who arrange gap year projects and expeditions. This group of 12 students was led by their twoteachersTania Ann McPhee and David John Turnbull together with the Gapforce group leader Julius Howarth. They all stayed at Ahimsa House from March 12-14, visiting Tibetan institutes to enable them to learn about Tibetan culture and traditional medicine.

The group visited the offices of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA); Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Institute of Medicine and Astrology) and its museum; theTibet Museum;Norbulingka Institute and Gyutoe monastery. They also had the opportunity to attendedthe Mind and Life conference in the temple courtyard and to receive blessings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The group also volunteered at Tsechokling Monastery, Jampaling Elders Home and Lha’s English conversation classes. In addition to their visits and volunteering, Lha arranged for a Miss Dhukthen Kyi from the CTA totalk to them on the Human Rights situation in Tibet and to answer their questions. Dr Chok led a two hour meditation and yoga class for the group.

“I am really happy that Lha organised these lectures for us as it helped us to gain a new perspective and understanding of Tibet, its Government-in-exile and your struggle, We also learned more about what you do, your reach and your impact as a social work NGO (non-government organisation). They are incredible, Thank you” said Rhyss Elizabeth, one of the students. She added that she will definitely come back in the hope of working with Lha again in the future.

28827686 1597163590337899 8110247954269977153 oThis month Lha also hosted two student groups from Rustic Pathways. The two groups were from Colorado Springs School and Riverdale International School. These 28 students participated for the mutual learning programme, helping Lha students to learn English through different activities, games and group discussion.  We aim to promote voluntary exchanges and to create a platform for Lha students to interact with students from different cultural backgrounds while improving their language skills. At the same time, the international students  are introduced to Tibetan culture, tradition, and religion and exile way of life.

To know more about our Cultural exchange program please visit our website: https://lhasocialwork.org/cultural-exchange or email us at [email protected]

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